Morning sickness is a common occurrence during Week 27 and 28 of pregnancy. Upto 80% of all pregnant women experience it because of blood pressure differences, metabolic changes and hormonal fluctuations. In the first trimester, nausea is considered to be a healthy sign by gynecologistsbecause it indicates a well-developing placenta.

In the third semester, it occurs due to normal stomach contractions slowing down or when the abdominal organsget compressed against the diaphragm. So, nausea and fatigue,followed by vomiting, are normal during the third trimester, according to doctors at the best maternity hospital in Bangalore.

Here’s what you need to know about morning sickness and nausea during the last months of pregnancy.

Why Does Nausea Occur?
It is most likely to begin in the first trimester itself and, for some women, might persist till the last few months. However, if it is starting late, it might be a cause for concern. This is because it could mean serious conditions, like pre-eclampsia. Despite being called morning sickness, it can take place at any time of the day. It is quite common and mainly occurs due to the following reasons:

1.     Growing Fetus

When the little one is growing, their weight tends to exert pressure on the stomach. The food then moves up to the esophagus, which is known as acidreflux. This is one of the most prominent reasons for morning sickness in the third trimester, when the baby is well-developed.

2.     Hormonal Changes

Although this is more of a first trimester occurrence, it could take place in the third trimester as well. High levels of hCG in the body is the main reason and it extends to the later stages.

3.     Food Habits

Large and heavy meals during the third trimester can lead to vomiting and sickness. Spicy, fried and oily foods are often hard to digest, which may also cause nausea, along with vomiting.

4.     Heartburn

When the acidic elements reflux into the esophagus,it can lead to a burning sensation along the lining. This mainly happens because the valve present in between the esophagus and stomach lets the content move back to the esophagus. This commonly happens in the third trimester, leading to nausea and vomiting.

Along with nausea, an expecting mother can also experience loss of appetite and psychological changes like anxiety and restlessness. Additionally, shortness of breath and acid reflux are quite normal for mothers-to-be.

How to Treat Third Trimester Nausea?

There are a few home remedies for morning sickness that are effective in controlling the discomfort.

  • Try to eat small meals at regular intervals, instead of consuming three heavy meals.
  • Take bed rest and sleep as much as possible.
  • Stay hydrated, by sipping water and other fluids often.
  • Avoid going to bed immediately after finishing a meal.
  • Limit the consumption of sugary foods. Instead, pick anything rich in Vitamin B6, like chicken, avocadoes and sweet potatoes.
  • Follow a daily exercise routine to keep morning sickness under control.

Although these are simple ways to take care of the nausea, consider immediate medical attention if you feel severe dizziness, high fever and reduced fetal movement. Weight loss, diarrhea, consistent cramps and contractions, and swelling in the legs, arms and face are other major red flags, say doctors at the best maternity hospital in Bangalore.

The late pregnancy period can be frustrating and challenging. These emotions are entirely normal and are experienced by up to two-thirds of all pregnant women. Butbefore popping anti-nausea medication, do make sure to consult your physician. Also, educate yourself about other related conditions to avoid becoming unnecessarily anxious.